
Helm integration

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Oi Porter,
I recently discovered helm and was

so I wrote a helm-source for virtualenv. The only question is if you think it belongs as a file in this repo or in a repo of its own.

(defun helm-venv-workon ()
  "Like venv-work, for helm."
  (helm :sources '(helm-source-venv)))

(defvar helm-source-venv
  `((name . "Virtual env completion")
    (candidates . ,(cl-loop
                    for venv in (venv-get-candidates)
                    collect (cons venv venv)))
    (action . (("activate" . venv-workon)))
    (persistent-action . venv-workon)
    (persistent-help . "Activate the virtualenv.")))

Long time no see Puerco :)

I think a repo of it's own is a bit much, how about making a contrib folder and putting it in there as helm-virtualenv.el or something like that?

Sent the pull request!