
Slovak draughts rules

jose1711 opened this issue · 7 comments

Please add support for Slovak draughts. Rules: https://checkers.fandom.com/wiki/Slovensk%C3%A1_d%C3%A1ma

First, thanks for the interest in qcheckers! :)
Unfortunately, qcheckers's code is relatively ancient C++, and was not exactly designed for easy addition of rules (it is possible, but not easy). And I'm not an expert in C++ :/ (I'm not original author of qcheckers).
I will leave this issue open in case someone wants to help and implement this.

I have another project https://github.com/portnov/hcheckers - that one I designed for easy addition of rules, and it already supports much more than qcheckers. It might be not so easy to build from sources, but there are some debian/ubuntu packages and docker container. There I can add Slovak (as well as Czech) rules much more easily.

If you are interested in czech draughts as well, you may check out "checkersland" program (it is free, as beer, not as a word); that supports czech, but not slovak...

@jose1711 Hello again. I have a question about huffing rule in Slovak draughts. Is it really widely used or is it just a variation used by children?

Hey @portnov, it is a common rule and one of the specifics of Slovak checkers ("Dáma"). Please note that if a player has an option to take an opponent's piece by a regular piece and a crowned piece, crowned piece takes precedence. If a player fails to obey this rule and use a regular piece opponent may (right before his/her turn) remove the crowned piece from the board.

ok, thanks.

@jose1711 , and if a player has two options to capture - by regular piece and by a crowned piece - but does not capture at all, then opponent may remove either that usual piece or that crowned piece, at his choice?

I did not find how this situation should be resolved in the rules of the game .. I'd personally go with "make your choice" option.