
Resize existing portworx volume with px-dev pxctl

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Does anyone know how to resize an existing volume with pxctl for an existing volume?

I have a volume with the default 1G size, which is too small and need to increase it to 10G.

I have found a link to Portworx documentation that refers to a "volume resize" option. But this does not work - or is not available in the version of pxctl that I have.

I get this error:
No help topic for 'resize'

Version: 1.1.6-693c3b5 - running in Docker containers launched from Rancher.

@asthomasdk Resize volumes are supported in the upcoming PX release 1.2 due out by mid-april.

Thanks - does that mean that the feature is currently only available in the enterprise version?

@asthomasdk when 1.2 is released volume resize will also be available in the dev version. Pls note we recommend production users to deploy PX-Enterprise and only use PX-Dev for POC purposes.

1.2 is released - the volume resize funciton is available: