
Build up replica set and enable X.509 Authenticationauth, but using Self Signed Certificates

Primary LanguageShell

Build up Mongo replica set

This repository need you run a few commands to set up replica set and it uses docker compose to launch the replica set. The docker compose file will deploy 3 separate containers:

  • mongo1
    • set as primary with priority 7
    • map container port 27017 to localhost 27021
    • use ssl1 folder and mongo.pem is renamed from mongo1.pem
  • mongo2
  • mongo3

All container are using one internal network so that them can connect to each other. Also they use same mongod.cfg and enabled X509 authentication.

In order to make my config file and bash script reusable, i decide to split /mongodb/keys/ssl/ folder into three folder. Each folder remain files that container need and rename mongoX.pem (X represent container number) to mongo.pem. If you wonder how to generate certificate and key files, you can watch reference section.


  1. Build up all containers
docker compose up -d --build 
  1. Run script in mongo1 terminal. The script will initialize replica configuration and create a root user. This script may cost 30 seconds, because it need to wait node to become primary
  1. Access mongodb with url: mongodb://tom-rs:jerry@localhost:27021/?directConnection=true&authMechanism=DEFAULT

You can access secondary to check data if exists, but if you want to read from secondary you have to change readPreference when you connect to secondary.

You will not see new database on UI if you does not set readPreference and connect to secondary with mongo compass. But you can see them using command show dbs
