
More syntax options?

hmalaud opened this issue · 1 comments

In CSS, @ are used for existing pieces of code, such as @media, thus making it confusing to use @ when not using plain CSS language in a PostCSS file. This is one of the reasons I left Scss for Stylus. Would it be possible to change the @define-mixin in a more agnostic syntax like Sass' (example below) and have parenthesis wrapping parameters?

  -webkit-transform: $property
  -ms-transform:     $property
  transform:         $property

ai commented

it is possible, but much harder, than you think.

You need to create a custom syntax (or to send PR in sugarss) to parse +transform(30deg) as @mixin transform(30deg).

It is hard and I try to be focused on a different thing, so I do not want to do it. But I will be open for PR and could help you if you want to write it.