
TestSuite fails between PostGIS v2.4.4 and PostGIS v2.50

phillipross opened this issue · 0 comments

The ParserTest fails between PostGIS v2.4.4 and PostGIS v2.50 with the following error:

ParserTest.testParser:244->test:339 expected [POINT(1.0E100 0 -2.0E-5)] but found [POINT(1.0E100 1.2345E-100 -2.0E-5)]

Tests performed via psql with mdillon/postgis docker image between tags 9.3 and 9.4 show the breakage. The same test with tag 11-alpine also shows the breakage.

In psql, the sql statement SELECT ST_AsEWKT(geometry_in('POINT(1e100 1.2345e-100 -2e-5)')); returns different results between 9.3 and 9.4:
9.3 -> POINT(1e+100 1.2345e-100 -2e-05)
9.4 and 11-alpine -> and POINT(1e+100 0 -0.00002)