
Memory leak? after unclean connection shutdown

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
pgcat memory usage climbs up monotonically if we repeatedly close connections mid-transaction (Maybe due to a memory leak?)

Screen Shot 2022-05-18 at 2 35 00 PM

To Reproduce
Run the following Ruby code and monitor pgcat RSS

require 'pg'
$stdout.sync = true

def work
    conn = PG::connect("postgres://main_user:@pgcat:5432/main_db")
rescue Exception => e
    puts "Encountered #{e}"

sleep 5
loop { { { work } }.map(&:join) }

Repeated conn.async_exec("SELECT 1") or conn.async_exec("BEGIN") followed by conn.async_exec("COMMIT") don't cause the issue (pgcat RSS hovers around 3MB in these cases) whereas with the unclosed transaction example, I was able to see a value of 55MB RSS after 10 minutes running.

Expected behavior
RSS shouldn't grow constantly.

Maybe because we are not calling release in this case

levkk commented

Very good find, fix incoming.

levkk commented

Fix merged. Let me know if it re-occurs or something else pops up.

Thanks @levkk

One more question though, I see there are some codepaths where we return early (e.g. , do we also want to release there?

Maybe make the call to release as a part of the Drop implementation for the client.

levkk commented

Good question @drdrsh ! Take a look here, we release on error. The corner case was not releasing on early successful return. Nonetheless, I agree with you, this would be better if we release in the Drop implementation. I'll make that change.


P.S. Thinking some more, we also release when we finish a transaction yet the Client object is still used, so maybe releasing in Drop may not be optimal. That being said I think the leak should be plugged now :)