
Window appearance

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The basic window class does not look asethetically pleasing. The X in the upper right is too small. The edges of the windows are not re-sizeable, the lower right corner looks odd. Need to improve this so it looks more modern, matches better with the style of the window manager on which the program is running.

Again, please specify the operating system, desktop environment, and which window do you mean. If you mean the windows inside the main window then it seems to me that you were trying to mimic the MDI (Multiple Document Interface) user interface from MS Windows. In that case it is impossible to make it work perfectly. Those windows are not managed by the window manager and will never match its style. (More precisely: with a large effort you may adapt to one style but then it will not match styles of other window managers.) It is known of not being supported by X Window System, consequently GTK does not implement it. With some hacks it is possible to implement in Windows but not in other operating systems.

Sometime I will find an example and post it here...