
Add variable storename to Company Name? Or create option to do so

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • [ X] I've verified and I assure that I'm running the latest version of the TIG PostNL Magento extension.
    [X ] Feature request (request for a new functionality)

Currently the packingslip LABEL PART has the following info in the upper left corner. When one runs a multishop the BV name can respresent many websites. Can we add a variable parser to this confir field to allows us to add storename or storecode this way it is more clear from which store a customer ordered?


The Below then becomes

Afzender: Business Name B.V.
Street 1

Afzender: Business Name B.V.
Street 1

Hi Sean,

It is up to PostNL to implement features like these. I think it would be a lot faster to switch to website- or storeview settings and change the Company name here, instead of waiting for PostNL to approve this.

I've tried this locally and it seems to work without any problems as shown on the following screenshot:
screenshot 2018-12-27 at 11 54 13

Is there a specific reason why this would not be feasible in your use-case?

Good to hear that this workaround works in your use-case.
I'll create a backlog item, but as usual, it's up to PostNL to determine the priority of this.