
How to auto reload changed files in development

larryzhao opened this issue · 8 comments

Is there a way to reload modified files on the next request like Rack::Reloader in Goliath in development?

It does that by default in development mode. That said, if you modify included modules, etc, then you'll have to restart the server.

I am following the approach here to set up a project with Grape on top of Goliath. May I ask where's the problem with this approach which prevents the built-in reload functionality? I see that in the source code it's in test mode, but it still doesn't work after I changed it to development.

Looks that it just can't work when there's Grape on top of it. I've tried with an easier example here:

Every time I change the value of pong, I could see in the server output that Rack::Reloader is triggered to reload this file, but the response is still the same.

Something could be tuned to get the reloading to work again?

Thanks a lot.

Sounds like the API class is being cached... I'd look under the hood of Grape implementation to see what it's doing.

jjyr commented

I write a simple script can help it

I met the same issue

Thanks @jjyr looks this really helps in development.

a0s commented

I have the same issue. @jjyr's script looks like "костыль" anyway