require grape slow down app
yokas opened this issue · 5 comments
I've written a 'Hello World' app using Goliath, and I decided to mount Grape on top of it:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
Bundler.setup :default
require 'goliath'
require 'grape' # <-- Comment out this line will hugely increase performance, but why?
class Server < Goliath::API
def response(env)
[200, {}, 'Hello, world!']
I benchmarked it:
ab -n 1000 -c 100 http://localhost:9000/
It shows that about 250 requests can be handled per second. But when I comment out the line require 'grape', this value suddenly increased to about 700. Can anybody answer why the simple require can bring such a huge difference?
P.S. I use MRI 2.2.2
This sounds like a grape-specific issue. Closing, but feel free to reopen if Goliath is at fault.
p.s. also, make sure you run with -e prod to remove code reloading!
It's not a grape-specific issue. It really seems like code reloading issue.
I generated 1000 empty ruby files:
1000.times do |i|
File.write("./file#{i}.rb", '')
And required them all in your application (instead of require 'grape'
1000.times do |i|
require_relative "file#{i}"
Then I got a described slow down. However, when running with -e prod
the difference is really negligible. You can try it yourself.
When you say the difference is negligible, do you mean the difference of running with and without -e prod?
Negligible with and without many loaded ruby files when running with -e prod
since code reloading feature is not activated.
That said, almost any library with many dependencies will cause slow down when running in development mode. You just measured a wrong thing.