
auto create many connection

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hi, i have some issue, i create a connection and then listen a queue to do some operation. But after the program run a month, i found that there are more than 20000 connection exist, what's wrong i did, my code is just like:

var conn = amqp.createConnection({url: 'amqp://'+config.rmqUser+':'+config.rmqPsw+'@'+config.rmqHost+':'+config.rmqPort});

conn.on('ready', function() {
    conn.queue(config.rmqSellerInquiry, {durable:true, autoDelete:false}, function(queue) {
        logger.log('RabbitMq connected with url: '+config.rmqHost+':'+config.rmqPort+' queue:'+config.rmqSellerInquiry);
        queue.subscribe({ack:true, prefetchCount:1}, function(msg, header, deliveyInfo, ack) {
            if ( {
                var emailSendingInfo = JSON.parse(;
                emailSendingInfo.retryTimes = emailSendingInfo.retryTimes ? emailSendingInfo.retryTimes : 0;
                emailSendingInfo.mqQueue = config.rmqSellerInquiry;

                // logger.log(emailSendingInfo);
                // ack.acknowledge();

                mailClient.sendMail(emailSendingInfo, function(resMsg) {
                    if (resMsg.indexOf('Send Error') >= 0) {
                        if (resMsg.indexOf('MAIL_SENDER_ERROR') >= 0) {
              setTimeout(function() {ack.reject(true); return;}, 1000*3);
                        else {
                            logger.log('=================================sendMail['+emailSendingInfo.emailId+'] send fail. acknowledge to queue.');
                            setTimeout(function() {ack.acknowledge(); return;}, 1000*3);
                    else {
                        logger.log('=================================sendMail['+emailSendingInfo.emailId+'] finish. It retried '+emailSendingInfo.retryTimes+' times');
                        setTimeout(function() {ack.acknowledge(); return;}, 1000*3);

Do you have anywhere in your code beside above to create connection? (for example, create a new connection anytime you publish a message to queue)