
Geopoint are not converted(undefined) correctly in firestore

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Geo: [53° N, 64° E]


And when add doc with geopoint, error:

vuexfire.js?e9e3:338 Uncaught TypeError: ref.onSnapshot is not a function
at subscribeToDocument (vuexfire.js?e9e3:338)
at eval (vuexfire.js?e9e3:163)
at Array.forEach ()
at subscribeToRefs (vuexfire.js?e9e3:148)
at Object.added (vuexfire.js?e9e3:209)
at eval (vuexfire.js?e9e3:287)
at Array.forEach ()
at Object.eval [as next] (vuexfire.js?e9e3:286)
at next (database.js?64ef:999)
at eval (async_observer.js?ed02:44)