
SVG wrong scaling

Opened this issue · 0 comments

While trying out the example "tree_browser", I encountered the issue of a wrongly scaled SVG. In principle the SVG was there, but cropped s.t. it was impossible to use it.
The issue (seems) to result from Graphviz, as an element of the SVG has a too high scale transformation, compared to the size of the svg size.
More precisely the issue is with: "<g id="graph0" ... transform="scale(1.91 1.91)" ... >" . Note that on other OS (Mac OS) with a different Graphviz version (@susuhahnml ) the scale of the "<g id="graph0"..." is correct with approximately "scale(0.52 0.52)".
See also the attached screenshots.

Screenshot from 2024-04-04 21-14-08
Screenshot from 2024-04-04 21-15-03


  • Branch: "new-docs"
  • Commit: d1fbd06
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Graphviz version (pip): 0.20.3
  • Graphviz version ($ dot -v): dot - graphviz version 2.43.0 (0)
  • Python version: 3.10.14