Laim opened this issue · 2 comments
Laim commented
It looks like PSPlex has been removed from GitHub and I can't seem to find anywhere else to get it. Do you know of a workaround for getting it working with Plex?
Also, could you add a 'Plexamp' template?
Laim commented
RE: PSPlex
If anyone else comes across this for updating their discord status using this method, you can WebRequest /status/session using your X-Plex-Token and then re-do the discordrpc example to use it, took a bit of trial error and this doesn't have a stop etc. in it but hopefully someone smarter than me can work that out :)
$plex_url = "http://PLEX_SERVER_URL:32400";
$plex_x_token = "TOKEN_HERE";
function global:Get-PlexStatus {
$plex_content = Invoke-WebRequest "$($plex_url)/status/sessions?X-Plex-Token=$($plex_x_token)" -Headers @{"Cache-Control"="no-cache"}
[xml]$plex = $plex_content.Content
$track = $plex.MediaContainer.Track;
Song = $track.title
Artist = $track.grandparentTitle
EndTime = [int]$track.duration - [int]$track.viewOffset
Label = "🐣"
Url = ""
Player = $track.Player;
$data = Get-PlexStatus
$params = @{
Template = "Plex"
Details = $data.Song + " - " + $data.Artist
State = "Playing"
End = $data.EndTime
Label = $data.Label
Url = $data.Url
TimerRefresh = 30
UpdateScript = {
$data = Get-PlexStatus
if ($data.Player.state -eq "paused") {
$timestamp = New-DSTimestamp
} else {
$timestamp = New-DSTimestamp -End $data.EndTime
$params = @{
Details = $data.Song + " - " + $data.Artist
State = "Playing..."
Timestamp = $timestamp
Update-DSRichPresence @params
Start-DSClient @params