
invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so major version must be compatible: should be v0 or v1, not v2

jeremydonahue opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi there, thanks for creating the v2 release with the fix from PR 31, however I get an error when I try to use it with go get while building a custom Docker image:

$ go get -d -u github.com/pottava/aws-s3-proxy@v2.0.1
go: finding github.com v2.0.1
go: finding github.com/pottava/aws-s3-proxy v2.0.1
go: finding github.com/pottava v2.0.1
go: finding github.com/pottava/aws-s3-proxy v2.0.1
go get github.com/pottava/aws-s3-proxy@v2.0.1: github.com/pottava/aws-s3-proxy@v2.0.1: invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so major version must be compatible: should be v0 or v1, not v2

The previous version works fine with go get (v1.4.1). It seems to me based on some Googling that to fix this, Go wants you to modify the module name in go.mod like so:

- module github.com/pottava/aws-s3-proxy
+ module github.com/pottava/aws-s3-proxy/v2

What do you think? An alternative might be to create a v1.5.0 release, since there's not really enough code change to warrant a major version release.

PS, I originally asked this question in Issue 32, but the author closed it (rightfully, it's a new issue).