
Images should be lazy loaded & optimized

poulainv opened this issue · 4 comments

Images loading will probably be the major performance issue. A lot of different solution exist to manage it: size & format optimisation, LQIP, lazy loading.
Some of them are implemented in https://github.com/stereobooster/react-ideal-image for instance. It may be worth to take a look once images will be stored in own CDN.

I suggest next-optimize-image to do on-the-fly optimisation.
For Lazy loading here are some considerations:

Currently, images are loaded from remote host (amazon, medium, ...). Before, I think I should use a proper CDN. Do you have any hint about CDN with nice free tier?

I would look into datoCMS

But if it's purely a cdn you're looking for then maybe cloudinary

By reading the contents of this issue, it gives a feeling that it was raised to promote the datoCMS.