
`country-phonecode-flag` is a lightweight, easy-to-use npm package that provides utility functions for fetching country-related information, such as country flags, phone codes, and names.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


country-phonecode-flag is a lightweight, easy-to-use npm package that provides utility functions for fetching country-related information, such as country flags, phone codes, and names. The package is framework-agnostic and can be used in any JavaScript or TypeScript project, including modern frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular.


To install the country-phonecode-flag package, run the following command:

npm install country-phonecode-flag


Import the utility functions and use them in your JavaScript or TypeScript project:

import {
} from "country-phonecode-flag";


getCountryFlag(code: string): string | undefined Returns the flag emoji for a given country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). Returns undefined if the country code is not found.

const flag = getCountryFlag("US"); // 🇺🇸

getCountryPhoneCode(code: string): string | undefined Returns the phone code for a given country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). Returns undefined if the country code is not found.

const phoneCode = getCountryPhoneCode("US"); // +1

getCountryByName(name: string): Country | undefined Returns a Country object for a given country name. Returns undefined if the country name is not found.

const country = getCountryByName("United States");
// {
//   name: "United States",
//   code: "US",
//   flag: "🇺🇸",
//   phoneCode: "+1",
// }

getCountryByFlag(flag: string): Country | undefined Returns a Country object for a given flag emoji. Returns undefined if the flag is not found.

const country = getCountryByFlag("🇺🇸");
// {
//   name: "United States",
//   code: "US",
//   flag: "🇺🇸",
//   phoneCode: "+1",
// }

getAllCountries(): Country[]

Returns an array of all Country objects in the dataset.

const countries = getAllCountries();

example in react js

Using the country-phonecode-flag package in a React component:

import React from "react";
import {
} from "country-phonecode-flag";

function CountryInfo({ countryCode }) {
  const flag = getCountryFlag(countryCode);
  const phoneCode = getCountryPhoneCode(countryCode);

  return (
      <h2>Country Information</h2>
      <p>Flag: {flag}</p>
      <p>Phone Code: {phoneCode}</p>

export default CountryInfo;

The package can be similarly used with other frameworks like Vue or Angular, or in plain JavaScript or TypeScript projects.