powa isnt getting enabled in shared_preload_libraries
sajiljosephs opened this issue · 8 comments
in postgresql.conf
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements,powa,pg_stat_kcache,pg_qualstats,pg_wait_sampling'
show shared_preload_libraries;
pg_stat_statements, pg_qualstats, pg_stat_kcache
select count(*) from pg_stat_statements;
screenshots clearly says that all required extensions are enabled.
I'm not entirely sure of what your problem is. If the problem is "Collector status for this instance: stopped" and the "stopped" status in the servers page, the reason is that powa.frequency is set to -1, which means "no local snapshot". If you want to use the local mode (a single server for your data and powa data), then you need to choose a positive value for powa.frequency. A good general value is '5min' to get decent granularity without much overhead.
background worker is not connected. On checking could see that powa is not getting enabled with shared_preload_libraries
As it is not enabled, powa.frequency cannot be set in postgresql.conf
On checking could see that powa is not getting enabled with shared_preload_libraries
Do you mean that when doing "SHOW shared_preload_libraries;" powa doesn't appear? Did you restart postgres after configuring shared_preload_libraries?
Yes, restarted postgres many times. powa doesnt appear with "SHOW shared_preload_libraries;"
Then the shared_preload_libraries is being configured from somewhere else. Maybe someone used ALTER SYSTEM, or you have the same setting configured later in the same file or an included file. You can check where the setting is actually coming from using:
SELECT name, setting, source, sourcefile, sourceline FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'shared_preload_libraries';
Modify the really used file and restart and the new value should be applied.
Perfect, Thanks for helping out.
Great news!