
Doesn't work anymore?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Heya, jkcoxson got the wifi refresh working (we didn't get error's etc)

But, when i tried to install altstore i got this error?


What i'm doing wrong?

switch to tethered for install

Sadly now i'm stuck on error -36607, but i've heard that will go away from itself (apple server sided)?

Sadly now i'm stuck on error -36607, but i've heard that will go away from itself (apple server sided)?

Yes , just wait few hours or few days

Somehow i had this also with a brand new apple account.
I installed with the normal methode on windows, but then using wifi refresh with AltServer-linux-ShellScript!

Heya, the problem was the anisette!
Had to setup this on a different host with x86_64: https://github.com/NyaMisty/AltServer-Linux/releases/tag/v0.0.5#:~:text=Run%20AltServer%2DLinux-,Custom%20Anisette%20Server,-Many%20user%20have

  1. Pull and run alt_anisette_server according to README.
  2. Run export ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER="" before AltServer-Linux each time (replace the to your server IP)
  3. Run AltServer-Linux
powenn commented

Hi @Macleykun

I have rewrite https://github.com/powenn/AltServer-Linux-PyScript
Now it's support WiFI Installation and add anisette server fix
But one last problem left is WiFI refreshing not working
So I want to ask you for helping testing

And how did you get WiFi refreshing before ?