
Error stacks line number is not correct

whxaxes opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I found the line number of error stacks is not correct in my project.


As you see, the line number should be 5 and 10, but result is


The line number is 30 and 35.

You can try in this repo : https://github.com/whxaxes/espower-typescript-stacks-demo

$ npm install
$ npm run test

I just fix this bug by overwrite sourceMapSupport.retrieveFile

// fix-source-map.js

const path = require('path');
const sourceMapSupport = require('source-map-support');
const cacheMap = {};
const extensions = ['.ts', '.tsx'];

  environment: 'node',
  retrieveFile: function (path) {
    return cacheMap[path];

extensions.forEach(ext => {
  const originalExtension = require.extensions[ext];
  require.extensions[ext] = (module, filePath) => {
    const originalCompile = module._compile;
    module._compile = function(code, filePath) {
      cacheMap[filePath] = code;
      return originalCompile.call(this, code, filePath);
    return originalExtension(module, filePath);

and require this code after espower-typescript/guess

--require espower-typescript/guess
--require ./fix-source-map.js

it works !!!


Now the line number and column number is correct as expected.

the reason is that ts-node cache the code in https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node/blob/master/src/index.ts#L218

    // Install source map support and read from memory cache.
        environment: 'node',
        retrieveFile: function (path) {
            return memoryCache.outputs[path];

so the source-map-support use wrong sourceMap to map the code.

@whxaxes thanks!