
`Cannot assign to read only property 'ok' of object '[object Object]'` while running in browser

kim366 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello. I am trying to run power-assert in the browser using webpack and babel. The code transformation works great, but there is an error pointing to the return statement of the following line:


Here comes the stack trace:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'ok' of object '[object Object]'
    at assign (<anonymous>)
    at eval (eval at empowerAssertObject (power-assert.js:4495), <anonymous>:1:1)
    at empowerAssertObject (power-assert.js:4495)
    at empowerCore (power-assert.js:4482)
    at empower (power-assert.js:4663)
    at applyEmpower (power-assert.js:17203)
    at customize (power-assert.js:17209)
    at power-assert.js:17226
    at createCommonjsModule (_commonjsHelpers-4f955397.js:14)
    at power-assert.js:17172
twada commented

@kim366 Thank you for reporting!
I'll take a look.
Would you make a small repository or gist for reproduction of this case?

Yes, of course. Here it is: https://github.com/kim366/repro-power-assert

  1. git clone https://github.com/kim366/repro-power-assert.git
  2. npm install && npm start
  3. Open http://localhost:8080/test/TestRunner.html
  4. Open Devtools

Hope this helps.

twada commented

Thank you for your repro case.

I've found that Rollup, where used internally by Snowpack, freezes assert module by default.

var assert$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
  __proto__: null,
  'default': assert,
  AssertionError: AssertionError,
  fail: fail,
  ok: ok,
  assert: ok,
  equal: equal,
  notEqual: notEqual,
  deepEqual: deepEqual,
  deepStrictEqual: deepStrictEqual,
  notDeepEqual: notDeepEqual,
  notDeepStrictEqual: notDeepStrictEqual,
  strictEqual: strictEqual,
  notStrictEqual: notStrictEqual,
  throws: throws,
  doesNotThrow: doesNotThrow,
  ifError: ifError

Also found that Rollup has a freeze option for opting-out of Object.freeze usage.
refs: rollup/rollup#1696

So if you can pass freeze option to Rollup via Snowpack, power-assert might work.