
Cannot capture not invokable method error

falsandtru opened this issue · 3 comments

var o = {};
TypeError: assert._capt(...).m is not a function
var o = {};
assert(assert._expr(assert._capt(assert._capt(o, 'arguments/0/callee/object').m(), 'arguments/0'), {
    content: 'assert(o.m())',
twada commented

Thank you for reporting!

It's hard to fix...

I tried enclosing capture logic in function calls.
It seem to be a solution for me, but it does not work since it changes contextual semantics and dynamics around asynchronous nature, such as async/await.
I learned that I should not enclose original calls in extra function.

So, it's a wontfix issue for now and I should note this in FAQ section. Thanks!

Alright, please close this issue when you noted this in FAQ. If possible, please hide internal codes. I didn't understand what that meant. Thanks.

twada commented

Alright, please close this issue when you noted this in FAQ

Yes I'm going to. Thank you!

If possible, please hide internal codes. I didn't understand what that meant.

I absolutely agree with you..