Collect initial requirements
valiafetisov opened this issue · 6 comments
List of short and long-term requirements
In order to come up with the proper technical proposal, we need to summarise list of technical requirements. Currently, there are several of them:
- Technical requirements defined by Wouter
- Requirements that can be derived from the document model in #1
- Technical requirements that can be potentially derived from the product/problem itself
This issue then should become a central place for collecting those requirements
- Collect all existing requirements
- Derive clear/unclear requirements from the document model issue
- Split into short- and long-term requirements
Technical requirements defined by Wouter
- Testing
- Primitives/utilities unit testing, Database model testing, Input validation testing, Authorization logic testing, End-to-end, request/response flow testing
- Happy path + edge cases testing
- Database dependence
- As much as we can reasonable do, testing should be independent of the database content
- Usage of a demo database may need to be considered for the other cases
- Generate a code coverage report and agree on a target level = recently enabled in the current code base
- Modules
- Create documentation for every module
- Create a separate namespace for every module in the database
- Shape the API so that user understands which module they're interacting with
- API services / plugins that cover cross-cutting concerns
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Error and performance logging (winston): should be able to toggle it, at least on a module level > to be plugged in to server logging infrastructure later
- Rate limiting and API keys
- Usage stats + performance data: need to know which queries are used, and how long they take
- Input validation
- History of the data records - using the document model
- Release cycle, CI/CD
- Solid support for database migrations (per module)
- CI pipeline with automated unit and/or integration testing + test coverage reporting
- Base functionality
- Figure out the right way to apply polymorphism
- Calculated data flow = this is currently under development - timescaledb
- Needs a consistent caching mechanism
- Should be easy to check that it updates correctly whenever the input data changes
- User activity generator + gamification mechanics
Requirements derived from the document model #1
Note: lines marked as "checked" means that we transferred those requirements to the following comment below.
- Store history of every record (aka "document state revisions")
- Store change requests (aka "document operations")
- ? Structure change requests not as a generic CRUD, but as a high-level business-centric set of actions (not sure if that's an actual requirement, reading between the lines in this case)
- Data that needs to be stored:
- Name of the change (i.e.: endpoint?)
- The object of named input parameters (i.e.: parsed request body?)
- Reference to the document revision it produced
- Implement UI to preview records with referenced records, attached files and history (aka documents) in the browser
- Implement UI to execute possible operations over the document
- Implement UI to dry-run operations over the document (i.e.: execute and see the result without making requests to the backend, frontend-side)
- Allow offline/sharable documents (documents that doesn't end up in the database, but can benefit from the same UI and data structure)
- Prepare set of operations on the frontend (committing those operations to the backend is optional)
- Download state together with the set of committed and uncommitted operations as a file (or maybe share via protected/encrypted url)
- ? Store database models (aka "document processors") as a standalone, 0-dependency code (in order to be able to provide it for the download) – tricky due to migrations, dependencies, etc, as explained in #1
- ? Add new models, operation types and state structures by editing the model code – this requirement is still unclear
Technical requirements that can be potentially derived from the product/problem itself
From my perspective, this project would vastly benefit from a declarative style of models/input validators/auth rules, etc, since we don't want to reimplement this complex logic for every new model. So the requirement that I would enforce on top is the use of ORM that define models based on a declarative config of our own structure (that we can extend in the future)
Other requirements
- Read-only database replica for analysts to run pure SQL queries
- Simple web interface for analysts / Existing standalone interface for read-only SQL exploration
- Easy integration with services like observablehq
Split into short- and long-term requirements
Short-term requirements
- Setup a project with a linter and a prettier
- Setup ORM, declarative module structure
- Setup database migrations
- Setup something like tsdoc (can be enforced via a linter rule)
- Setup tests for operations, models, database integration. Set high code coverage threshold early on
- Add CI steps to enforce tests, coverage, correct build outcome
- Add input validator (+possibly enforce its use via the config structure)
- Setup API playground (+possibly make database/code comments visible in the playground)
- Setup advanced logging library like winston, enforce correct usage (via a readme guide, linter settings)
- Implement authorization and authentication as a plugin/middleware
- Implement UI to login, create users and their API keys
- Add CD steps to build and deploy staging on merge to main
- Store history of every record
- Store change requests (endpoint path, parsed request body, reference to the record version it produced)
- Store attached files (as base64 or upload them somewhere)
- Add CI steps to generate and publish docs
- Add CD steps to build and deploy production on github release tag
- Add rate limits
- Collect usage stats
- Setup logging infrastructure to collect and structure logs between instances
- Implement UI to preview records with referenced records, attached files and the history
- Implement UI to execute possible operations over the document
- Implement UI to dry-run operations over the document
- Allow offline/sharable documents
- can you make the document model bullets to checkboxes and then check everything that's already inside this short / long term requirement list?
- other than that: I don't quite understand where the collaborative nature of outside-contributors via the "module" approach comes in here - can you make this clearer / say something about this?
can you make the document model bullets to checkboxes and then check everything that's already inside this short / long term requirement list?
Did that. Basically all requirements derived from the document model were used in some way in the Short+long-term summary.
I don't quite understand where the collaborative nature of outside-contributors via the "module" approach comes in here - can you make this clearer / say something about this?
Since it's been declared undesirable to store model itself in the database, the only requirements for outside-contribution are good documentation + clear module structure (ie easy extensibility), the rest will be done via normal github PR flow.