F-Droid build not reproducible
Closed this issue · 7 comments
See https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/log/com.paultirk.yatoo/18#site-footer
In your apk, assets/public/main.js has the commit hash but somehow the apk build by F-Droid has a void 0
there. I fixed it with sed but maybe you know a proper solution. Thanks!
Hello, thanks, I already saw that the build failed and was wondering who changed the metadata 😅
Basically I changed the build process to pass the commit hash as environment variable and forgot to update it in the f-droid repo. I'll make a PR there.
Lol. thanks!
reopen: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/jobs/8048997546
/LE: diff log: yat20.log
Thanks, I'll look into it 🙂
I fixed the Release, the commit hash had a length of 8. Can you restart the check or will it be done automatically?
Confirmed, thanks