supabase-todolist Demo App - SupabaseConnector does not need a db instance
Closed this issue · 1 comments
JavascriptMick commented
Pretty sure there is an unnecessary and, frankly confusing mistake in the supabase-todolist demo code.
e.g. this file....
From Line 28
class SupabaseConnector extends PowerSyncBackendConnector {
PowerSyncDatabase db;
Future<void>? _refreshFuture;
the db instance is not used inside the class or by users of the class. Smells like a refactor happened and this was left in. I was able to rip the property out and run the demo app just fine...
class SupabaseConnector extends PowerSyncBackendConnector {
Future<void>? _refreshFuture;
mugikhan commented
Thanks for reporting this @JavascriptMick we've removed the unnecessary db instances in the connectors for all the demos.