
Capturing correct target when implement custom data type for Datatable

banderson-stripe opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to implement the Lookup component in a Custom Data Type for the lightning-datatable

The issue I am having is where do I put the onsearch event so that I can capture the event.target correctly to then be able to call the setSearchResults() method correctly.

This stackexchange also describes the same issue:

Here is my setup:




import LightningDatatable from "lightning/datatable";
import customLookupTemplate from "./customTypeLookupEdit.html"

export default class CustomDatatableType extends LightningDatatable {
  static customTypes = {
      template: customLookupTemplate,
      standardCellLayout: true


    <c-custom-datatable columns={columns}></c-custom-datatable>


import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

const columns = [
    { label: 'foo', fieldName: 'foo', type: 'customTypeLookup' },

export default class actualComponent extends LightningElement {
    columns = columns;

     * Handles the lookup search event.
     * Calls the server to perform the search and returns the resuls to the lookup.
     * @param {event} event `search` event emmitted by the lookup
    handleLookupSearch(event) {
        const lookupElement = event.target;

@pozil. Just wanted to give you an update.

@surajp was able to help me resolve this issue. It's actually very simple and elegant:

{ label: 'foo', fieldName: 'foo', type: 'customTypeLookup', typeAttributes: {'onseach':this.handleSearchFunction} }

which then gets passed to the customTypeLookupEdit.html

    <c-lookup onsearch={typeAttributes.onsearch}></c-lookup>
pozil commented

Wow, that was fast! I'm glad that you figured it out. This is what I was going to recommend, but I wanted to try it out first, just in case :)

@pozil only issue is the base lightining-datatable is not allowing the result dropdown to expand due to a slds-truncate CSS class that is part of the base component on the table

pozil commented

Damn. Perhaps you need to open a modal with lookup then?
Not the best UX but I don't see how you can avoid it if you want to keep the datatable.