
train error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello, when I tried to run this project, I got the following error, my data storage is according to the requirements of README.

C:\Users\asus\anaconda3\python.exe C:/Users/asus/PycharmProjects/Stripformer-main/Stripformer-main/train_Stripformer_pretrained.py
W1025 10:36:17.233240 64796 warnings.py:109] C:\Users\asus\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\albumentations\imgaug\transforms.py:233: FutureWarning: IAASharpen is deprecated. Please use Sharpen instead
warnings.warn("IAASharpen is deprecated. Please use Sharpen instead", FutureWarning)

W1025 10:36:17.233240 64796 warnings.py:109] C:\Users\asus\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\albumentations\imgaug\transforms.py:176: FutureWarning: This augmentation is deprecated. Please use Emboss instead
warnings.warn("This augmentation is deprecated. Please use Emboss instead", FutureWarning)

I1025 10:36:17.235235 64796 dataset.py:28] Subsampling buckets from 0 to 100, total buckets number is 100
I1025 10:36:17.235235 64796 dataset.py:71] Dataset has been created with 240 samples
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/asus/PycharmProjects/Stripformer-main/Stripformer-main/train_Stripformer_pretrained.py", line 162, in
train, val = map(get_dataloader, datasets)
File "C:\Users\asus\PycharmProjects\Stripformer-main\Stripformer-main\dataset.py", line 121, in from_config
transform_fn = aug.get_transforms(size=config['size'], scope=config['scope'], crop=config['crop'])
File "C:\Users\asus\PycharmProjects\Stripformer-main\Stripformer-main\aug.py", line 36, in get_transforms
pipeline = albu.Compose([aug_fn, crop_fn], additional_targets={'target': 'image'})
File "C:\Users\asus\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\albumentations\core\composition.py", line 170, in init
File "C:\Users\asus\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\albumentations\core\composition.py", line 115, in add_targets
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add_targets'

Hi, I meet the same problem. How did you solve this error?


It might come from the wrong file directory of the training set.
Please check whether you download the full training sets and put them in the right file directory.

hi, when i tried change the val config "scope" from "None" to others ("geometric, weak") , this problem will disappear, so why setting "none scope" in "config_Stripformer_pretrained.yaml" has this problem ?