
This is a server-client based CLI Banking System. All accounts, transactional, customer information, and admin details are stored in files. It supports basic operations like login, CRUD operation on customer, Check Balance, WithDrawal, and Deposit. All these things were mostly done using system calls.

Primary LanguageC

Online Banking Management System.

About the Project.

  • This is a server-client based Banking System. All accounts, transactional, customer information, and admin details are stored in files.
  • Account-holders have to pass through a login system to enter their accounts.
  • The application is password-protected administrative access, thus preventing the whole management system from unauthorized access.
  • Two types of login are there (a) Admin and (b) Customer. There are 2 types of the customer account (i) Normal User and, (ii) Joint User.
  • Once we log in as an administrator, we can add, delete, modify, and search for specific account details or customer detail.
  • If we login as a joint account holder, proper file locking has been implemented to maintain consistency of Database.
  • All these things were mostly done using system calls.

Files in the Project.

  • init.sh : It creates the db(Database) folder which contains files like Account.txt, Admin.txt, Customer.txt, and AdminLogs.txt and a folder named Transaction which contain the Transaction file related to each account. It also runs init.c file which creates 2 admin for the system.

  • init.c : This creates 2 admin for the Banking system

  • server.c : This is a Banking server.

  • client.c : This is Admin and Customer client.

  • operation.c : This file contains all the Admin and Customer operation.

  • structures.h : It contains all the necessary structures like Customer, Transaction, Admin, Account, and AdminLogs which are used in code.

  • readDb.c : This is the code that helps us to understand what exactly happening inside the database when the server and client communicate with each other.

How to run?

  1. Run init.sh by following command in terminal typeing

  2. Run server.c by following command in terminal typeing

    cc server.c -o server
  3. Run client.c by following command in terminal typeing

    cc client.c -o client
  4. Now Banking System is live.

  5. To see what Database Inserting, Deleting, and Updating when server and client interact with each other. Run readDb.c by following command in terminal typing

    cc readDb.c -o readDb