
Freqtrade Telegram Helper Bot

Primary LanguagePython

Robinaut Controller v0.1.0

The Freqtrade Telegram Helper Bot


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The goal of this bot is to add a lot more features to control and manage multiple Freqtrade instances as well as view live data. (Stuff that Freqtrade's Telegram bot currently cannot do and may never do.) I like to use this bot personally to extend my ability to control multiple bots running on a server as well as to get a general picture of all the pairs without having to go into FreqUI, or to pull up FreqUI's dynamic NGROK HTTPS web urls.

Besides the commands below, this bot can also plot live when orders are placed on your Freqtrade bots.

/help_control - default help page
/plot - plot pairs for specified bot
/indicators - obtain indicator values for desired pairs (still beta, needs work)
/public_url - obtain NGROK tunnels for bots
/sync_configs - (something i'm playing with to sync data.  may not be useful for you right now.)

NOTE: Use NGROK at your own risk, however I personally think that it is useful for Freqtrade. I believe that wrapping the url in NGROK's HTTPS tunnels is safer when viewing data from an external server, but I was told before by the FreqUI developer that this method of tunneling FreqUI is not recommended (but neither is accessing FreqUI externally in general). It is useful for me. I will configure it later so that you can refresh NGROK's random tunnels URLs or even set it to automatically reset each day for those who are paranoid.

How to use

  1. Download and install memcached as well as pymemcache and the other dependencies within rbn_controller.py. Then use the command memcached -d to launch the memcached daemon.
  2. Place the files in the directory above the folder containing user_data. Name the folder according to the bot name.

NOTE: You will need to find and download Helvetica.ttf yourself.

  1. Add in your configurations into the rbn_controller.json.
  2. When working with Telegram, be sure to create a group for your Freqtrade bot. This group will contain you, your Freqtrade bot, and the controller bot. Use the same group chat id for both bots. Make sure that the bots are set to "admin" privileges, that you are set to "anonymous", and that history is set to be logged.
  3. Use the rbn_controller_launcher.zsh to run the controller on a background screen named rbn_controller.
  4. You will need to also modify your strategy file.
# add this to the top of the strategy
from pymemcache.client.base import Client
from pymemcache.client.retrying import RetryingClient
from pymemcache.exceptions import MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError
base_client = Client(("localhost", 11211))

import os, sys
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ ))
user_path = script_path.replace('/strategies', '')
os.chdir(user_path); sys.path.append(user_path)
ft_bot = user_path.replace('/user_data', '').split('/')[-1]

# Memcache settings, they go at the top of your strategy class.
use_memcache = True
num_cached_candles = 50

# add this to end of 'populate_indicators'
    if self.use_memcache:
        client = RetryingClient(
        num_entries = self.num_cached_candles
        pair = metadata['pair'].replace('/', '_')
        datetime_df = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['date']).dt.tz_localize(None)
        datetime_entries = [str(entry) for entry in datetime_df.iloc[-num_entries:]]
        client.set(f'{ft_bot}_{pair}_date', str(datetime_entries))
        client.set(f'{ft_bot}_{pair}_open', str(list(dataframe[f"open"].iloc[-num_entries:])))
        client.set(f'{ft_bot}_{pair}_high', str(list(dataframe[f"high"].iloc[-num_entries:])))
        client.set(f'{ft_bot}_{pair}_low',  str(list(dataframe[f"low"].iloc[-num_entries:])))
        client.set(f'{ft_bot}_{pair}_close', str(list(dataframe[f"close"].iloc[-num_entries:])))
        client.set(f'{ft_bot}_{pair}_volume', str(list(dataframe[f"volume"].iloc[-num_entries:])))
        client.set(f'{ft_bot}_{pair}_indicator_1', str(list(dataframe[f"indicator_1"].iloc[-num_entries:])))
        client.set(f'{ft_bot}_{pair}_indicator_2', str(list(dataframe[f"indicator_2"].iloc[-num_entries:])))
except Exception as e:
    print('Memcache has failed.')

NOTE: If you are running hyperopt, be sure that use_memcache = False.

  1. To use the NGROK features, install NGROK and add these lines to your ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml file after applying your authtoken.
    addr: <FREQ_UI_PORT>
    proto: http
    bind_tls: true
    addr: <FREQ_UI_PORT>
    proto: http
    bind_tls: true

After, you can use ngrok_launcher.zsh to run NGROK on a background screen named ngrok.