
Support for recurrent layers

sveinnpalsson opened this issue · 7 comments

Great work, thanks a lot!
I have trained a recurrent net using keras and am looking for ways to make predictions in a c++ application.
Will support for recurrent layers be added?

Yes, I am planning to add them soon.

Hi! Any news on this? LSTM layer support would really come in handy for me...
Thanks for the excellent work!

+1 for recurrent (lstm/gru) layers, it would be awesome! Thank you a lot!

I have this in my TODO - but it is soo long. I'll update you when I'll start to work on it.

Are there news on LSTM support??

Sorry, no support for LSTM, you can try to learn LSTM with tensorflow backend, and use tensorflow c++ api for production deploy.

hi, thanks your work. I need convert keras layer (LSTM and TimeDistributed) in c++, can you help me?