
Dump model in binary file

Tauranis opened this issue · 3 comments

First of all I'd like to thank you for making this library.
It has been very handy for me.
However, I have a ~550MB Keras model(weigths) that turns into ~1.6GB plain text model to use with keras2cpp.
Is it too much difficult to make the library be able to read a binary file?
If I make it, I'll add a pull request.
Thanks in advance.

Hi! It is not hard to be able to read binary files - I just keep text files for debug purposes. It will be nice if we can support both: text files and binary files and read base on file extension? What do you think? In this area pull request is welcome.

Yeah. Sure

Just another thing. The current code does not give support for border_mode='same' on Convolution2D layers. I got an error and all my outputs were -nan =P.
If I fix it, I'll make a pull resquest.

I already fixed this, please check if it is working for you ;)