

ebrahimnorouzi opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I tested the repository and exactly followed the instruction, it run without an error but at the footer of the page ( websocket status never changed to connected and its always swichting between connecting and connected.

Here is the docker-compose logs wsgiserver:

wsgiserver_1      | ls: cannot access '/app/backend/server/static/client/static/js': No such file or directory
wsgiserver_1      | /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/psycopg2/__init__.py:144: UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in 
order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/install.html#binary-install-from-pypi>.
wsgiserver_1      |   """)
wsgiserver_1      | Operations to perform:
wsgiserver_1      |   Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions, 
sites, tasks
wsgiserver_1      | Running migrations:
wsgiserver_1      |   No migrations to apply.
wsgiserver_1      |
wsgiserver_1      | 0 static files copied to '/app/backend/server/django_static', 160 unmodified.
wsgiserver_1      | /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/psycopg2/__init__.py:144: UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in 
order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/install.html#binary-install-from-pypi>.
wsgiserver_1      |   """)
wsgiserver_1      | [2021-07-01 07:40:24 +0000] [15] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.9.0
wsgiserver_1      | [2021-07-01 07:40:24 +0000] [15] [INFO] Listening at: (15)
wsgiserver_1      | [2021-07-01 07:40:24 +0000] [15] [INFO] Using worker: threadswsgiserver_1      | [2021-07-01 07:40:24 +0000] [18] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 18
wsgiserver_1      | [2021-07-01 07:40:24 +0000] [19] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 19
wsgiserver_1      | [2021-07-01 07:40:24 +0000] [21] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 21
wsgiserver_1      | [2021-07-01 07:40:24 +0000] [23] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 23
wsgiserver_1      | /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/psycopg2/__init__.py:144: UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in 
order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/install.html#binary-install-from-pypi>.
wsgiserver_1      |   """)