
The read handler for the characteristic 'On' didn't respond at all!

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  • system: macOS Big Sur
  • node: v14.18.1
  • npm: 6.14.15

This plugin slows down Homebridge. The read handler for the characteristic 'On' didn't respond at all!. Please check that you properly call the callback! See https://git.io/JtMGR for more info.




Hi, you should definitely run this plugin as a bridged accessory in homebridge. That will insure it won’t slow things down.
Since this plugin relies on your own scripts to get the status of your device you may encounter things like this. You could try to set a timer in your script to return a default return value after X seconds.

I’ve not been able to spend any time on this plugin for a long time now. It should still work but there are other plugins that do similar things that are more actively developed.