Implementation of Conv-based and Vit-based networks designed for CIFAR.
- 1162197376
- 3outeilleHuggingFace
- 408449014
- Aiksier
- BNAadministrator3
- Cuda-ChenSeeking for opportunities
- damount
- falcon-xuBeijing Institute of Technology
- GitEasonXuInspur
- happy2019-k
- HhhhhhaoPittsburgh
- HowieHyeChina
- jialin43
- kingqiuol北京
- ldylabGDUT
- ligugeBeijing Jiaotong University
- ltstar
- MARD1NOSiliconFlow
- neumannlee
- pprpData Science and Analytic Thrust, Information Hub, HKUST(GZ)
- rhythm92Japan
- roger1993Hong Kong
- Senwang98Shanghai, China
- shelsenchenSYSU
- sonwe1eGuangdong University of Techonology
- sorrowynAnhui University
- techperfect
- think-weige
- tlwzzyDLUT
- Wulingtian
- wxltop
- wzy-2020
- wzzhengBAIR, UC Berkeley
- xuke225AnHui University
- Zhuyuan-yuan
- zrl4836