
beatmap downloads truncated to 1MB?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Well this is technically not an "API" issue, but I guess this place is as good as any to post about this.

It looks like beatmap files are truncated when downloaded via the website, e.g. https://osu.ppy.sh/osu/777867. This download is truncated to exactly 1MB, so it's probably no coincidence.

There are a couple of more beatmaps where this occurrs:

peppy commented

Honestly not sure we should be ever promoting .osu files over 1mb as being a usable thing...

b-b-but... awesome storyboards?

Honestly not sure we should be ever promoting .osu files over 1mb as being a usable thing...

The maps shouldn't be accepted then. Accepting the maps and truncating them seems weird IMO...

@peppy Any updates? Been a year...

peppy commented

I just looked into this today. The issue is quite deeply ingrained in BSS. I've added a todo for fixing it and estimate it will be complete this week.

tl;dr the server-side files are actually truncated and need to be repaired.

Looks like it's been fixed recently. Time to close this ancient issue?

peppy commented

Yep, has since been fixed, and I believe we've retroactively fixed all the broken files.