
Most of my Complex Modifications Stopped working

vitonash opened this issue · 3 comments

  • macOS version: Ventura 13.5.1
  • Karabiner version: 14.12.0
  • Your Mac hardware: M2 MBP 16gb 512 SSD
  • Your keyboard hardware: internal keyboard

I have only a few complex mods installed, but most don't work. I'm not sure why it's happening. I have attached the file with all of the failing modifications. The caps lock to esc/hyper works, the ijkl works, but l shift/r shift for caps doesn't, the double tap command doesn't, and shift moves forward one doesn't work. I would appreciate any help. I'm fairly new to the app so I apologize if it's an obvious issue.


Editing to add that I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling with a fresh config folder, and nothing changed.

Hey, is the rule set you provided CAPS_LOCK to Hyper/Escape, Hyper + i/j/k/l Vim navigation and others. ? I have tried the rules you mentioned and all of them are working fine, except for the "double tap command" rule.

My environment:

  • macOS version: Ventura 13.1
  • Karabiner version: 14.12.0
  • Mac hardware: M1 Pro MBP 32gb 1T SSD
  • keyboard hardware: internal keyboard

Maybe I will try to upgrade my macOS later to check again.

By the way, have you tried checking the keyboard triggering in Karabiner-EventViewer? The keyboard trigger detail I'm referring to is related to the rule "Shifts Move Forward and Backward by 1 word," and it is shown in the screenshot below:



The problem still exists after upgrading to the new macOS version:
The more complex layers cannot be accessed (layer 4 & 6) due to missing key switches for them.

macOS version: Ventura 13.5.2 & Sonoma 14.0
Karabiner version: 14.12.0
Your Mac hardware: M1 MBP 16gb 256 SSD
Your keyboard hardware: internal keyboard & external Bluetooth keyboard

Does anyone know about quick fixes or can I solve the issues with other complex modifiers?


Hey, is the rule set you provided CAPS_LOCK to Hyper/Escape, Hyper + i/j/k/l Vim navigation and others. ? I have tried the rules you mentioned and all of them are working fine, except for the "double tap command" rule.

My environment:

* macOS version: Ventura 13.1

* Karabiner version: 14.12.0

* Mac hardware: M1 Pro MBP 32gb 1T SSD

* keyboard hardware: internal keyboard

Maybe I will try to upgrade my macOS later to check again.

By the way, have you tried checking the keyboard triggering in Karabiner-EventViewer? The keyboard trigger detail I'm referring to is related to the rule "Shifts Move Forward and Backward by 1 word," and it is shown in the screenshot below:


I tried resetting it a few more times, not sure what changed but the shift move forward and backward is working now. The double tap command still isn't and I can't get both shifts enable caplocks to work either.