running the test failed
Opened this issue · 2 comments
When I fired up the app, the backend sent an error saying file not found: "./models/funkSVD/2018-01-01 10:01:34.179393/model/". This directory does not exist anywhere. I run all the tests and any tests related to this file failed. Did I miss something here?
You didn't miss anything!
The error shouldn't be there, and I will see if I can fix it one of these days. The problem is that there should be a check to see whether there is a model before attempting to load it.
That said the site should work fine until you arrive at the part in the book that explains how to create the funk SVD model.
Thank you so much! I can help you fix this error as well. I love your work on this recommender system - I really want to make it better. I'm thinking of adding a couple more models in addition to funkSVD and matrix factorization etc.