
strformat not highlighted correct in some cases

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The syntax improvements introduced by #105 (comment) don't display correct in the following two cases with "incorrect coloring" :

import strformat

var a = fmt"{""}"          # incorrect code; correct coloring 
var b = fmt"{"a"}"         # incorrect code; incorrect coloring
var c = fmt"{'a'}"         # correct code; correct coloring
var d = fmt"""{"""a"""}""" # incorrect code; incorrect coloring


For me it seemed like I could use "..." inside the strformat because the coloring implied it also the compiler error wasn't clear, then I saw that the color highlight needs changes for this case.

Another one is:

echo fmt"{{}}"

And also with round brackets for the call it isnt highlighted correct (see tests in strformat.nim)

I found, that fmt used with triple double quotes can break coloring in following lines.
Examples where fmt breaks coloring:


when fmt is removed, coloring back to the norm:


hit this again:

  block: # nim --eval
    let opt = "--hints:off"
    check fmt"""{nim} {opt} --eval:"echo defined(nimscript)"""".execCmdEx == ("true\n", 0)
    check fmt"""{nim} r {opt} --eval:"echo defined(c)"""".execCmdEx == ("true\n", 0)
    check fmt"""{nim} r -b:js {opt} --eval:"echo defined(js)"""".execCmdEx == ("true\n", 0)

  block: # `hintProcessing` dots should not interfere with `static: echo` + friends
    let cmd = fmt"""{nim} r {defaultHintsOff} --hint:processing -f --eval:"static: echo 1+1""""
    let (outp, exitCode) = execCmdEx(cmd, options = {poStdErrToStdOut})
    template check3(cond) = doAssert cond, $(outp,)
    doAssert exitCode == 0
    let lines = outp.splitLines
    check3 lines.len == 3
    when not defined(windows): # xxx: on windows, dots not properly handled, gives: `....2\n\n`
      check3 lines[0].isDots
      check3 lines[1] == "2"
      check3 lines[2] == ""
      check3 "2" in outp


it works fine in sublime text (which uses for syntax definitions, just like github via github linguist)


looks like the culprit is that syntax definition doesn't understand when there are more than 3 consecutive " (which are allowed); the highliting is correct with:

    let cmd = fmt"""{nim} r {defaultHintsOff} --hint:processing -f --eval:"static: echo 1+1""""
    let cmd = fmt"""{nim} r {defaultHintsOff} --hint:processing -f --eval:"static: echo 1+1" """