
template/generic instantiation of `____` from here

Opened this issue · 1 comments

template/generic instantiation of mapIt from here

in vscode, it shows as an error, but when compiling from the command line, compilation is ok.
This "error" is more like a hint, as far as I understand.

I am filing it here (instead of at the nim repository), since compilation succeeds.

It's just a minor annoyance of course, but I see it for a long time now, and thought to address this issue.

ktiy commented

i looked into this just a tiny bit because it was bugging me as well

on these errors, severity (sev) is not defined
while it's defined on other errors

the switch statement there defaults to returning an error, which it will do in the case of undefined severity ;_;

adding if (!error.severity) return; seemed to fix the issue but im not sure if that's the best way to go about fixing;
either way, i've opened #173

(i know kosz89 has assigned himself but it has been over a year)