
Highlighting bugs

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The following code snippets break highlighting in all kind of ways:

Case 1

  • Exception in case statement
  • shl in proc parameter
  • shl in array type
when isMainModule:
  import ../io/io_bigints

  proc toString(glvSac: GLV_SAC): string =
    for j in 0 ..< glvSac.M:
      result.add "k" & $j & ": ["
      for i in countdown(glvSac.LengthInDigits-1, 0):
        result.add " " & (block:
          case glvSac[j][i]
          of -1: "1\u{0305}"
          of 0: "0"
          of 1: "1"
            raise newException(ValueError, "Unexpected encoded value: " & $glvSac[j][i])
        ) # " # Unbreak VSCode highlighting bug
      result.add " ]\n"

  func buildLookupTable[M: static int](
         P: string,
         endomorphisms: array[M-1, string],
         lut: var array[1 shl (M-1), string],
       ) =
    # Checking the LUT by building strings of endomorphisms additions
    for u in 0 ..< 1 shl (M-1):
      # The recoding allows usage of 2^(n-1) table instead of the usual 2^n with NAF
      lut[u] = P
    for u in 0 ..< 1 shl (M-1):
      for idx, bit in bits(u):
        if bit == 1:
          lut[u] &= " + " & endomorphisms[idx]

  proc main() =
    const M = 4              # GLS-4 decomposition
    const miniBitwidth = 4   # Bitwidth of the miniscalars resulting from scalar decomposition

    var k: MultiScalar[M, miniBitwidth]
    var kRecoded: GLV_SAC[M, miniBitwidth+1]



    echo kRecoded.toString()

    var lut: array[1 shl (M-1), string]
      P = "P0"
      endomorphisms = ["P1", "P2", "P3"]

    buildLookupTable(P, endomorphisms, lut)
    echo lut
    doAssert lut[0] == "P0"
    doAssert lut[1] == "P0 + P1"
    doAssert lut[2] == "P0 + P2"
    doAssert lut[3] == "P0 + P1 + P2"
    doAssert lut[4] == "P0 + P3"
    doAssert lut[5] == "P0 + P1 + P3"
    doAssert lut[6] == "P0 + P2 + P3"
    doAssert lut[7] == "P0 + P1 + P2 + P3"



Case 2

  • emit
func unsafeDiv2n1n*(q, r: var Ct[uint64], n_hi, n_lo, d: Ct[uint64]) {.inline.}=
  ## Division uint128 by uint64
  ## Warning ⚠️ :
  ##   - if n_hi == d, quotient does not fit in an uint64 and will throw SIGFPE on some platforms
  ##   - if n_hi > d result is undefined
  {.warning: "unsafeDiv2n1n is not constant-time at the moment on most hardware".}

  var dblPrec {.noInit.}: uint128
  {.emit:[dblPrec, " = (unsigned __int128)", n_hi," << 64 | (unsigned __int128)",n_lo,";"].}

  # Don't forget to dereference the var param in C mode
  when defined(cpp):
    {.emit:[q, " = (NU64)(", dblPrec," / ", d, ");"].}
    {.emit:[r, " = (NU64)(", dblPrec," % ", d, ");"].}
    {.emit:["*",q, " = (NU64)(", dblPrec," / ", d, ");"].}
    {.emit:["*",r, " = (NU64)(", dblPrec," % ", d, ");"].}

func mul*(hi, lo: var Ct[uint64], a, b: Ct[uint64]) {.inline.} =
  ## Extended precision multiplication
  ## (hi, lo) <- a*b
  ## This is constant-time on most hardware
  ## See:
    var dblPrec {.noInit.}: uint128
    {.emit:[dblPrec, " = (unsigned __int128)", a," * (unsigned __int128)", b,";"].}

    # Don't forget to dereference the var param in C mode
    when defined(cpp):
      {.emit:[hi, " = (NU64)(", dblPrec," >> ", 64'u64, ");"].}
      {.emit:[lo, " = (NU64)", dblPrec,";"].}
      {.emit:["*",hi, " = (NU64)(", dblPrec," >> ", 64'u64, ");"].}
      {.emit:["*",lo, " = (NU64)", dblPrec,";"].}


saem commented

@saem, you jerk, look at this issue! 😄