
dependency conflicts in requirements.txt

ShivprasadSagare opened this issue · 5 comments

Steps to reproduce the error

conda create --name indicbart python=3.6
conda activate indicbart
pip install -r requirements.txt

The error

The conflict is caused by: 
The user requested scipy==1.5.4 
imagehash 4.2.1 depends on scipy 
missingno 0.5.0 depends on scipy 
pandas-profiling 3.1.0 depends on scipy>=1.4.1 
phik 0.12.0 depends on scipy>=1.5.2 
seaborn 0.11.1 depends on scipy>=1.0 
tensor2tensor 1.14.0 depends on scipy 
tensorflow-gpu 2.3.0 depends on scipy==1.4.1

Can you please guide as to how to resolve the dependency issues?

Replace scipy==1.5.4 with scipy==1.4.1 in requirements.txt.

Ive updated the requirements.txt file. Pl pull and try again.

Hey, excuse me, but this still doesn't solve the issue and gives rise to new conflicts. I have spent considerable time resolving it but couldn't do it in a graceful way. Sometimes, pip goes in backtracking mode and takes more than 4-5 hours to install all packages. Can you please look into it in detail and release the right requirements.txt?


Please pull the latest commit and try with a fresh installation.

I have triple tested that it works.



Sorry, pull the one now. tensorboard was causing issues.