
Question: retrieving lyrics

thatmaxplayle opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, how would I go about getting lyrics for a song using Genius.NET?

So far, I've got the following:

             var searchResult = await genius_client.SearchClient.Search(searchterm);
            await ReplyAsync($"first rs: {searchResult.Response.Hits[0].Result.Id}"); // Printing the ID for debugging 

            var searchSong = await genius_client.SongClient.GetSong(searchResult.Response.Hits[0].Result.Id);
            // I now need to find the Lyrics from the songSearch


Yet I can't seem to find a lyrics object (other than objects for when the lyrics were marked as completed/accurate etc...)

I would appreciate your help,
Many thanks

I don't think you would be able to get the lyrics from Genius's API. They won't give it for free to everyone. Right?

You have to search their api forums regarding this issue.

Regarding this library, in the Songs object there is an embed_content property which points to the lyrics on the website.