
Point out if video lectures available

ahmetb opened this issue Β· 18 comments

Would be nice to point out which courses have videos and which ones don't from usability point of view. It's tedious to filter out the ones with video lectures.


Adding the label 🎦 could be a quick win. I would be happy to help with a PR.

edited after an exchange with @ahmetalpbalkan on twitter.

The idea of using icons sounds good! Will get around to it soon.

Okay, this is wierd. I've tried adding a few emojis at the bottom of the page but for some reason it's not showing correctly (shows up in raw form). Anyone got a clue why?

@prakhar1989 weird. I've had a lot of success using the github / markdown's :+1: syntax. I just changed this readme and it looks to work.

the "movie camera" emoji is :cinema:

@banderson623 I tried the same. As soon as I paste the content of this readme, all emoji's turn to raw text.


That is odd, I forked it and found the same behavior :|

I also tried adding the emoji character directly :(

Haha! Tried that myself πŸ˜›

Have a look at this readme. From what I can see, there's something wrong with the section Algos / PL / Intro to CS. Without these sections, it works fine.

Hi All! Just released an update from Github stating the below -

We have temporarily disabled Emoji rendering in overly large documents because of performance issues. This is a temporary measure while we work on improving the performance of our rendering pipeline. We will restore this functionality as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience!

As soon they get around to fixing the issue, I'll add the emojis so that it gets easier for everyone to identify available material in courses. Thanks for the suggestions!

That is interesting, without their help I wouldn't have guessed it was document-size related.


You could place an image in your repo and reference it like this ![alt tag]( I have forked your repo and placed an example there( Hope this helps!

Or you could just do this...

<img src="" width="20" height="20" />

πŸ‘ this is a good solution!

Great idea! I'm travelling right now and I'll get to this in a couple of days. Thanks for tip πŸ‘

As per @raymondware's suggestion, I've added emojis under the systems section in the emoji branch (alongwith a legend).

It would be great if you all could have a look and suggest improvements (if any). If this looks good, I'll go ahead and do the needful for other sections as well. Thanks! πŸ˜€