
City Life is the website which contains relevant information regarding Delhi city. This website provides details about hotels , restaurants, malls, tourist places, famous spots to visit. It will help the users who want to know the information about Delhi city and its visiting places. This website has simple user interface that is easily accessible by the user.

Primary LanguageJava


City Life is the website which contains relevant information regarding Delhi city. This website provides details about hotels , restaurants, malls, tourist places, famous spots to visit. It will help the users who want to know the information about Delhi city and its visiting places. This website has simple user interface that is easily accessible by the user.

In the existing system there are various separate sites in order to know the information about the historical places, hotels, restaurants and places. The existing sites having various ads and pop-up’s which makes user uncomfortable.

In the proposed system user can find different categories available in one site. User can know the information about different places those want to visit and can plan his schedule based on his knowledge. Ads-Free website & straight forward. Designed to give the feedback by liking and commenting.

Coding of the Project:

Front End: JAVA

Back End: SQL and JAVA

Database: MySQL

Tools: Eclipse