
Connect Backbone Collections and Models to SAP Gateway

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Backbone.SAP extends Backbone Models and Collections so you can easily work access business data in SAP systems through SAP Gateway. The data exchange with SAP Gateway is based on the OData AtomPub XML format.

Current version only supports fetching data (read only).


Include backbone-sap.js in your index.html:

<!doctype html>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>

<script src="underscore.js"></script>
<script src="backbone.js"></script>
<script src="backbone-sap.js"></script>


Now let's look at how you can use Backbone.SAP. The examples are based on the Flight data available on the SAP Gateway demo system

To try out these examples, use Chrome with --disable-web-security command line option, to temporarily suppress the Same Origin Policy.

// Define a Flight Model by extending Backbone.SAP.Model
// There are no paramaters required

var Flight = Backbone.SAP.Model.extend();

// Define a Flights Collection by extending Backbone.SAP.Collection
// required parameters:
// - Model reference
// - Collection URL
var Flights = Backbone.SAP.Collection.extend({
    model: Flight,
    url: 'https://gw.esworkplace.sap.com/sap/opu/odata/IWBEP/RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT_2/FlightCollection/'

// create Flight collection instance
var flights = new Flights()

// fetch from SAP Gateway
    success: function () {


// get first model from flights collection
var flight = flights.at(0);

flight.get('AirLineID') // -> 'AZ'

// you can also use OData query parameters to remotely filter the collection:
    data: {
        $filter: "AirLineID eq 'AZ'"