Tower Cluster Builder

This playook and set of roles will deploy a functional Ansible Tower cluster.

This has been tested on Tower 3.2.2.


  • RHEL or CentOS with a Valid Subscription
  • The VM acting as the tower db has a blank disk assigned for the postgres volume group
  • Inventory file contains correct information
  • Variables files contain correct information
  • The group_vars/vault file is encrypted with ansible vault to protect your license and admin password
  • You have sudo access to all nodes and the nodes can communicate via root over SSH (you can lock this down post-install)


  • If you are using self signed certificates update the following locations with your certificates


## ./group_vars/tower

- tower_nodes is a list of nodes which will be part of the "tower" node group. This can be a single node.
- tower_db is the nominated database node which must have a second disk assigned for the tower DB volume group
- The group_vars/vault file is encrypted with ansible vault to protect your license and admin password
- If you want isolated nodes set tower_isolated_nodes to true
- If tower_isolated_nodes is true, set out your node groups and the isolated nodes contained in these groups under tower_isolated_groups.
- These names must match the inventory file
- The variables for keepalived vip_addresses and vip_interface need to be set such that hapxory can be configured for failover.

## ./group_vars/vault

- Fill out the file with the tower admin password you wish to use which is vault_tower_pass
- Obtain a valid tower license and assign it to vault_tower_lic
- Add eula_accepted" : "true" to the top of the license json as this may not be there initially
- Encrypt this file with ansible-vault when finished (ansible-vault encrypt vault)

## ./roles/tower-db-filesystems/vars/main.yml

- vg_name: this is the name of the volume group
- pe_size: this is the patition size of your volume group
- pv_name: this is device name of the blank disk

# Running the playbook

Run the playbook as per the below.
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory deploy_tower.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-pass --ask-become-pass