
Callback, RxJS, Lodash, Ramada Cooking.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

// Todo: Replace all instances of bufferCount with bufferTime to handle edge case of last unfilled buffer.

------ Docker ------

docker build -t seeder .

docker run -p 3200:3200 -it seeder

------ API Authentication Access Token ------

{ "email": "prtk6592@gmail.com", "password": "openssssame" }

Hit /users/login endpoint with this credential, and the id property of the response object is access token.

------ Deployment Guidelines ------

  • Run artist-seed model put* method to completion to get list of top artists and their ids

  • Run enriched-artist model put* method, preferably till completion, to get enrich the artist data

  • Run yt-Video model put* method, first for top-rated artists, to get all the relevant past live performances of those artists. The popularity parameters to be passed 'priority-wise' are (70-100, 60-70, 44-60). Take special care to pass lower bounds of popularity exactly as stated, as they are hard-coded in code and affect the count of returned results. Also, run mark* method of yt-Video model to periodically check fo removed items.

  • Run recombee set(item/user)properties methods to initialize recombee data model.

  • Run seed* method of genre, and sync* methods of recombee, elastic-video, & yt-broadcast to keep the fetched videos in sync with those services

  • You can use set* methods of the models to reset/restart cleanly that model processes. Using set* methods anytime & anywhere will ideally not affect the correctness/stability of the overall system. Although, it may trigger the reprocessing on the dependent models processes. So beware of computation costs/time. Ideally, set* methods are 'very rarely' needed

  • Each model can be run independently as a self-contained microservice if computation pressure forces horizontal scaling. But, if we need the multiple running instances of same model method/s, then we need code refactoring for concurrency control

------ Model Description & Primary Responsibilities ------

artist-seed: Fetches the spotify id and name of artists dependent on: nothing

genre: Sync the itemType genre to recommender.

enriched-artist: Fetches the detailed spotify data of artists from artist-seeds dependent on: artist-seed

yt-video: Fetches the past live performances of the enriched-artists dependent on: enriched-artist model field 'artist': enriched 'artists' whose yt search returned this video model field 'albums': enriched 'artist albums' whose yt search returned this video model field 'tracks': enriched 'artist top tracks' whose yt search returned this video model field 'isRemoved': tells whether the video isRemoved from yt

yt-broadcast: Handles the fetching, updation, and removal of live now yt broadcasts
model field 'isRemoved': tells whether the broadcast isRemoved from yt

recommender: Continuously Syncs the yt-videos of type 'video', 'broadcast', and enriched-artist of type 'artist' to recommender dependent on: enriched-artist and yt-video

elastic-video: Continuously syncs the modified yt-videos with artists ids replaced by artists 'names' and 'genres' dependent on: enriched-artist and yt-video

All models set* methods: Mostly used for cleanly restarting/resetting model sync/put methods from scratch, otherwise no usage in running regular system

------ Recommender Data Model ------

snippet-publishedAt: dateTime

All other item metadata fields are array of strings serialized via binning.