Code Test for General Software Engineers

This is a code test for general Software Engineers at Quantworks. Consider this an assessment rather than a graded exam. This test helps us gauge a candidate's level of familiarity and comfort with technologies and techniques.

Project Description

Simple data visualization web application.

Solution Requirements

  • The web app:
    • Is built with Node.js and Vue.js
    • Dsiplays a bar chart which presents data retrieved server via REST API
    • Has a data entry form which submits data to server via REST API


-Revenue Chart -Form Valiation -Update Form

  • The UI:

    • Is completely written in Vue.js
    • Uses Vuetify for Material Design theme
    • Uses vue-router for UI side routing
    • Uses axios for sending and receiving AJAX requests over REST API
    • Loads the BarChart with vue-chartjs library
    • Mounts and re-renders components on every route change to fetch fresh dynamic content
    • Latest ES6 syntax (async/await and pointer functions)
    • Implements UI validations in the form
  • The server:

    • Is written in Node.js
    • Uses JSON format for transactions
    • Stores data with PostgreSQL database
    • Returns JSON data of bar chart to client
    • Receives form data from client
    • Runs default on localhost on port 3000.
    • To run, run the command npm run start from inside the project directory
    • NOTE: Changes in DB Connection Config can be made in the ./src/api/revenue.js file
  • The database:

    • Is a PostgreSQL database
    • SQL dump is present in the repository for pre-seeding the database.
    • Run the SQL dump before running the server. It is assumed that the system already has PostgreSQL installed, up and running.

Optional Requirements:

  • Most of the tasks are automated using NPM RUN commands as follows:
    • Start the UI in development mode: npm run serve
    • Start the server in development mode: npm run dev-server
    • Build UI and create /dist folder: npm run build
    • Run the Node server and deploy application: npm run start
    • To make the application in 1 pass, run the shell file

Would like to implement the following functionalities in future:

  • user accounts with secure password storage
  • endpoint authorization with JWT
  • machine readable logging for each service
  • very basic health endpoints for each service