

peddollakishore opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi @pratos
When i am running the procedure i am getting below error, please have a look screenshots.

screenshot from 2017-09-29 03-30-03
screenshot from 2017-09-29 03-30-36

thanks in advance.

Can you try out:
* pip install --upgrade gunicorn*gunicorn --reload -w 2 --bind hello-world:app`

This is an absolutely weird error, never got it. But assuming you have more than 2 cores, -w 2 would create 2 workers and --reload wil reload if it fails.

If it solves the problem, do mark the issue as resolved and close it 😄

Thanks for reply @pratos ,

sorry still i am facing same issue.

screenshot from 2017-09-29 04-57-07
screenshot from 2017-09-29 04-57-22
please help me out of this..

Okay, leave gunicorn for this bit.

You need to add a small bit to

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world(username=None):
    return("Hello {}!".format(username))

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Then go to the terminal, run: python

This should definitely work. So Flask has its inbuilt HTTP server that we can use, gunicorn and uwsgi are alternative HTTP Server.

Closing the issue on account of non-response, the above resolution will work for sure. If not please reopen again.